Czy twój telefon może stać się bronią? Can your phone turn into a gun?
Załącznik nr 1 - Exercise: Facts about conflict minerals. Materiały dodatkowe do scenariusza poświęconego problemowi odpowiedzialnej konsumpcji i nierówności w dostępie do zasobów między globalnym Południem a globalną Północą.
Autor/Autorka (autorzy/autorki):
Bogumił Filipiuk
Fundacja Centrum Edukacji Obywatelskiej
Odniesienie do podstawy programowej: Jak dla odpowiedniego scenariusza. zwiń
Odniesienie do podstawy programowej:Jak dla odpowiedniego więcej
Fill in the blanks with the verbs in brackets and answer the questions below.
1. Laws__to prevent the conflict from becoming bigger. (introduce)
2. Millions of dollars__by military groups through selling the Three T’s. (earn)
3. Minerals__in production of many electronic devices. (use)
4. Tantalum, tin, tungsten and gold__in production of many electronic devices. (use)
5. The biggest army__in Congo since 2009. (place)
6. The biggest United Nations peacekeeping force__in Congo since 2009. (place)
7. The conflict__by the minerals trade. (finance)
8. Congo is rich in mineral resources, but the military conflict__by these resources. (finance)
9. Minerals__by children. (mine)
10. Many of the minerals used to create cell phones like tantalum, tin, tungsten and gold__by children in Congo. (mine)
11. When minerals__they produce dangerous toxins. (burn)
12. When minerals contained in cell phones__they release dangerous toxins into the atmosphere, soil and water. (burn)
13. Money__to buy weapons. (use)
14. Money used to buy weapons and finance conflicts__through illegal market selling of minerals necessary to produce mobile phones’ parts. (make)
15. Projects__to help people in Congo. (introduce)
16. Workers__by companies that produce phone parts. (protect)
• What are three T’s?
• What is the connection between the three T’s and your mobile phone?
• Who mines those minerals?
• Who makes money out of it?
• What do they use money for?